پاوپوینت مطالعه روابط صنعتی در کامینز هند (انگلیسی)

پاوپوینت مطالعه روابط صنعتی در کامینز هند (انگلیسی)

پاورپوینت مدیریت صنعتی با عنوان اصلی Industrial
Relations at Cummins India Limited- A Case Study در قالب 44 اسلایدAbstractAn industrial relations system
consists of the whole gamut of relationships between employees and
employees and between employees and mployers which are managed by means
of conflict and cooperationlike pay, hours of works, leave with wages,
health, and safety disciplinary actions, lay-off, dismissals retirements
etc., laws relating to such activities, regulations governing labour
welfare, social security, industrial relations, issues concerning with
workers participation in management, collective bargaining, etc.The
present research is a case study of the industrial relations scenario
at Cummins India Limited. 50 respondents from the organization had been
picked on the basis of random convenience sampling. It was found that
industrial relations have been cordial, harmonious and collaborative
since 2010. Communication and meeting with union representatives and
workers is there on regular basis. The management representative, store
managers regularly meet on weekly and monthly basis. Industrial
relations manager conducts weekly meetings and resolves grievances
immediately. In addition to this the senior leadership meets on monthly
basis with union. CEO of the company also communicates the goals of the
business and situations of the business to the employees on quarterly
basis. The voices of the employees are captured during these meetings
and the issues/grievances are resolved as per feasibility. . Line
managers and shop floor managers are regularly interacting with IR
Department for day to day issues of production associates and
communicating the issues to IR Department for resolving.Objectives of the Study To study the procedure of wage settlement process at Cummins India Limited CILTo study the salient features of wage settlement agreementTo assess satisfaction level of production associates with regards to  present welfare facilities provided by CIL To recommend suggestions for improvement in welfare facilities provided by CIL

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